Friday 20 March 2015

Top 10 bucket list items

I recently found an old notebook containing a bucket list with many items, some of which I had already done (yay me!). It got me thinking about what the top 10 things are that I would love to do so I thought I would make a blog post and would love to see other peoples top 10 too.

Top 10 items on my bucket list

11.     Travel to Florence, Italy
22.     Learn to drive and own a car.
33.     Have enough money to live comfortably
44.     Visit New York or be able to live there.
55.     Write a book and have it published.
66.     Conquer my extreme fear of flying.
67.     Learn to speak French.
88.     Visit Finland to see the Northern Lights.
99.     Time travel (when its invented, because it will be)
110.  Find love.

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  1. Hello Dear! I really like your Blog. You have interesting Posts. Would you like to support each other and follow via Bloglovin and/or GFC? That would be so cool and i hope we stay in touch. :)

    Greetings, Sophia xx
    Instagram: sophiaton_

  2. Following you now and with add you on instagram :)
    thanks doll x

  3. i'd love to see the northern lights! i've been meaning to make a bucket list for ages but i don't even know where to start x
    natasha // eyebrows, inc.
